Reduce inflammation, lose weight and get healthy

What’s Included


Simple rules to make following the program easy and straightforward. Always listen to your body and adapt where you need to. There are many people doing low carb and keto in a very unhealthy way, so it’s important to follow the right guidance.

Meal plans

Example meal plans to guide and inspire you.

Wellness challenges

To experiment with and motivate you to incorporate more wellness activities in your life.


Phase 1:


Focuses on removing inflammatory foods making sure to eat a good variety of quality nutrient dense whole foods.

This phase is my version of a paleo, low carb, Mediterranean and anti inflammatory diet with plenty of leafy greens and vegetables.



A strong connection with the natural environment is fundamental for good health.

Modern life has become increasingly detached from the natural world.

Phase 2:


This is a metabolic detoxing phase which will kickstart weight-loss and the bodies natural ability to rest and repair.

This will be achieved with a ketogenic diet and Intermittent fasting.



The lymphatic system is the super highway of the immune system.

Through wellness practices you can stimulate lymphatic flow to lower inflammation and reduce swelling.

Phase 3:


Focuses on gut health and rebuilding the microbiome for improved wellbeing and immunity.

Gut health is the long game. Steady commitment will lead to long term improvements.



This phase will focus on energy flow around the body.

We hold trauma and stress in our bodies physically, so gently moving and freeing up these energy channels can greatly impact our physical and emotional health.

“The 6 week course was excellent and I certainly learned a lot, and am still trying to remain low carb for most of the time and very low carb on occasions. I would recommend it to anyone who needed an anti inflammatory and low carb diet. People with or without lymphoedema”

— Non

“I reached out to Holly whilst sitting in hospital with my 2 year old son for the 4th time in one month due to an autoimmune related issue, desperately hoping there was another answer for us. Holly not only gave me heaps of support, advice, and book and product recommendations, but she totally opened my eyes and inspired a whole new learning journey which I am loving!

It’s completely changed things for us. Thank you so much Holly!”

— Abby

Right for you?

This program might not to the right approach for everyone. If you think you need a tailor made nutritional plan please find a naturopathic doctor, holistic doctor or nutritionist who can properly access, test and diagnose you.